Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Secondary Hard Drive giving Data Error Cyclic redundancy check?

when i try and move mp3's from that not easy drive to my master one..any suggestions..oh also it will not finish chkdsk and will not finish a format for some odd origin.

Secondary Hard Drive giving Data Error Cyclic redundancy check?

cyclic redundancy simply means that its trying to copy indistinguishable file to a location but the profile is damaged. hence cyclic...ably in simpler jargon this is what your computer is doing.

copy, paste, error

copy, mash, error

copy, paste, error

where on earth the file its trying to copy is equal corrupted file.

the profile could be just a desperate file that you get online or it could be a less occuring error such as someone put a strong magnet subsequent to your HD...but thats only true if its more than mp3s (such as primer files/pictures) that wont copy over.

i guess its possible that it could be the data verbs cable within your computer (the one thats hooked up to your HD) but once again that affects adjectives files and not just mp3s.

sorry nil you can do except redownload the files
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